Saturday, May 1, 2010

James WIlliam's First Birthday Extravaganzas

James had three parties to mark the first anniversary of his birth. The first was on Saturday April 10 and featured many Meaghers, Lynchs, O'Haras and Boyons. And a aSolimeno too! And for each he wore one of the two onesies Aunt Feather made him bearing his age in a super cool baseball print.

This party included a make your own cupcake station... Seaniebear is pictured below painstakingly applying sprinkles. This was a major highlight of the afternoon for me.
And a trip to the playground down the street where kids big and small, young and old played and frolicked....well all except one...

James had a cold and was getting ready for his nap- he mostly just watched in awe for the few minutes he was a part of the playground fun.

The next party happened on his actual birthday, April 17. That one featured many Beyrers, Palodinos, Wulfs, Wolfroms but not ,sad to say, our dog Jack. Unfortunately our Jack passed away that morning. SO it was an up- and -down kind of day.

But Joe was a trooper and set a good example on how to go in the face of adversity... and a good time was had by all. At this party there was pin the tail on the donkey, make your own picture frame, and baseball cupcakes for all. Each child at both parties went home with a neato partyfavor put together by Aunt Feather with baseball stuff.

And then, on Friday April 23 the ladies from my work came over to celebrate Jamie's birthday. They have been very nice to me and so I wanted to say thanks...they weren't supposed to bring presents but they did anyway. James got some great presents- with a special highlight being a playhouse from the O'Haras....really...brand new...

I feel like the year has flown and he has grown and changed so much. He's walking now and I think by next year he will be talking in recognizeable words...While I'm eager to see that I'm not in a rush for him to get bigger...

Boy do I love that baby.

Oh- and according to his 1 year old appointment- he's 22 lbs, 11 oz ( 50%), 31 inches( 75%) and his head is tiny...hard to tell with all that hair!

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