Tuesday, September 29, 2009

And his new stats...

oops- forgot to post that he is eating cereal with fruit, carrots, learning to use a sippy cup, weighs 16 lbs, 1 oz, is 26( and a half?) inches long and sleeping about 8 hours...which I better start on otherwise I miss my opportunity!

Cruisin'....on a Tuesday afternoon

James is mobile!!! He's about 5 1/2 months and is army crawling backwards! He seems to like it but gets frustrated when he wants to play with a toy that is in front of him. It's amazing to see how he tries to problem solve- he was using the blanket he was on as a means to bring things to himself...maybe on purpose-maybe not-but it was cool to watch!

Attached is a video of him moving along!

In other news- James got to hang out with Uncle Rich, Aunt Cass and cousins Carter and Tristan. Below is one of many pics Aunt Feath took as we tried to capture one of only a couple of times this weekend the two babies were awake and cheerful at the same time. They were born about a week apart and will be great friends one day!

We had a great visit . I certainly wish they lived closer than Virginny! I am having trouble organizing my thoughts- working outside of the home and being a Mom is hard work! So even though my sister thinks it is sophmoric I am still going to sign-off by saying that I will write more another time...maybe.